Amendment to the EU Cosmetics Regulation

Following a new amendment to the law, 56 new allergens have been included in the cosmetics legislation. This will affect some of your labels. We are busy updating all documentation so that you can implement the changes in time. There is a period of five years for implementing this amendment for existing products. There is a three-year period for introducing new products. This means that you still have plenty of time to sell your current stock.

Here are the most important changes in our fragrances:

The allergens were always so low that there were no label requirements when using 2%. Now there are label requirements for the same concentration. When adding less fragrance, you may still remain below the label threshold.

The allergens to be reported were not present in this fragrance and therefore allergen-free. This is no longer the case with the new allergens to be reported.

Ylang Ylang
This fragrance was also always an allergen-free fragrance. This is no longer the case due to the addition.

Check the new documents on our website for details.

About Gildewerk

Gildewerk has been a reliable supplier of supplies for candle makers and/or soap makers all over the world since 1977.


