The moulding of candles is a popular technique and forms the basis of candle making. The density of a traditionally-moulded candle is nearly 100% and, as a result, such a candle will generally burn longer than a similar candle compressed in a factory.

In deciding to start a candle-making enterprise, it’s important to gain insight into the associated costs. We’ve distinguished between equipment and ingredient costs. That’s because equipment represents a one-off purchase, while ingredients represent ongoing purchases. In this blog, we examine the options one-by-one.

It’s good to know in advance that it is possible for the sale of your end products – made from your very first batch of purchased ingredients – to cover your entire investment in ingredients and most of your investment in equipment. Traditionally-produced candles are extremely saleable products, which more and more people are finding desirable. Candle production is therefore an attractive and profitable craft.

The following options are also available:

Moulding option A: If you intend to mould candles as a group of 1-5 persons in an institutional capacity over the course of a full week, your initial investment will be approximately € 1,250 in equipment and € 475 in ingredients. This option forms a great foundation for entrepreneurs to build on. Equipment that comes with option A includes: a Junior moulding urn, a hotplate, a stabyl and everything that comes with the aforementioned Starter Set. Ingredients that come with option A include: 100 kg moulding mix, colourant/tablets, wick.

Moulding option B: If you intend to mould candles as a group of 3-8 persons in an institutional capacity over the course of a full week, your initial investment will be approximately € 2,750 in equipment and € 1,375 in ingredients. This investment buys entrepreneurs a fully-fledged candle moulding operation. Equipment that comes with option B includes everything specified in option A, along with a Deco, a stainless steel Junior moulding set, a Junior colour set and more. Ingredients that come with option B include 250 kg moulding mix, coating wax, marble wax and larger quantities of wick, colourants and casts than included in option A.

Professional moulding option: The abovementioned options can easily be expanded to include larger urns and stainless steel worktables. In such a case, remember that the budget will be higher than specified with the above options. (Use the contact page to request additional professional information)

So, now you have an idea about the cost of starting a candle moulding enterprise.

* Specified prices can fluctuate and are linked to the date of this blog.

About Gildewerk

Gildewerk has been a reliable supplier of supplies for candle makers and/or soap makers all over the world since 1977.


